PZU integration
CASE study
insurance & Finance sector

Developing a Comprehensive CRM System in the Heavy Transport Insurance Sector

12 months (MVP), 2018/2019
My role
Product Team Leader, CEO
Insurance & Finanse sector
Client & Product

Unveiling the Client: A Trailblazer in Automotive Financing and Insurance

Client: Nestled in the dynamic landscape of Silesia Region, Poland, our Client stands as a beacon of innovation in the automotive financing and insurance sectors. Since its inception in 2004, the company has evolved from a modest sole proprietorship to a formidable player in the leasing and car loan brokerage industry. With a mission rooted in building enduring customer relationships, the Client has carved out a niche in the market, particularly in heavy transport car insurance, serving over 10,000 clients with a blend of diligence and strategic foresight.

project kick-off

Setting the Stage: Identifying the Need

In the dynamic realm of heavy transport insurance, Aureus faced a substantial challenge with their existing CRM system, which was failing to meet the complex demands of managing insurance sales for heavy transport vehicles. The system's inadequacies were evident in cumbersome sales processes, extensive paperwork, and inefficient policy customization, resulting in a suboptimal experience for both insurers and clients.

Notably, the CRM was unable to cater effectively to the unique needs of businesses insuring fleets of heavy transport vehicles, particularly in terms of slow quote generation and limited policy customization options.

Further compounding these issues was the lack of an effective integration with PZU's internal insurance system, crucial for streamlined policy processing and data management. Recognizing the urgent need for an overhaul, Aureus embarked on developing a new, sophisticated CRM system, specifically designed to streamline these processes, enhance user experience, and seamlessly integrate with PZU's system.

Target Market Analysis: Graphs showing the heavy transport insurance sector's potential.

Problem statement

The core issue facing Aureus was the ineffectiveness of their current CRM in handling the specialized requirements of the heavy transport insurance sector and its inability to integrate efficiently with PZU's internal system. The project aimed to replace the outdated system with a more capable, user-centric solution, designed to automate and simplify the insurance lifecycle, improve operational efficiency, and establish a seamless data exchange with PZU, thereby elevating the customer experience in a competitive market.

Problem statement: Identified problems

Solution: Redefining Heavy Transport Insurance with a Tailored CRM Solution

The project was conceived in response to a pressing need in the heavy transport sector - a streamlined, efficient process for managing car insurance sales. The vision was clear: to develop a CRM system that not only simplifies but also accelerates the insurance sales process, from lead generation to policy issuance. This system was uniquely tailored for businesses requiring fleet and specialized vehicle insurance, a niche yet vital segment in the market. The cornerstone of this initiative was the integration with PZU, ensuring instant creation and delivery of insurance documents, thereby setting a new standard in customer service and operational efficiency. This endeavor wasn't just about building a software solution; it was about redefining an industry practice.

Overcoming challenges. How we tackled project obstacles
Overcoming challenges: How we tackled project obstacles
my role

Navigating Dual Roles: CEO and Product Team Leader

My journey was unique, blending strategic business decisions as CEO with the creative and technical intricacies of a Product Design Team Leader. This involved setting goals, defining success criteria, and leading the project from concept to reality.

As CEO, my strategic vision for the company directly influenced the overarching goals and priorities of the CRM development, ensuring alignment with Client’s business objectives. In my role as Product Design Team Leader, I was deeply involved in the hands-on design process, fostering a culture of innovation and guiding the team towards creating a user-centric solution.

Balancing these roles required a keen understanding of both the market demands and the technical intricacies of product development. This dual perspective was instrumental in driving the project forward, ensuring that the CRM not only met technical and design excellence but also strongly aligned with our business strategy and customer needs.

My role diagram.  Visualizing how my role changed through the whole process.
My role diagram: Visualizing how my role changed through the whole process.

Collaborative Design Process: From Research to Implementation

The design process was deeply collaborative, involving research and continuous interaction with stakeholders, including PZU employees. We focused on understanding user needs, iterating designs, and ensuring the system's usability and effectiveness. Our collaborative design process was integral to bridging the gap between initial research and final implementation.

By employing the Double Diamond framework, we ensured a structured yet flexible approach to problem-solving. This began with a deep dive into understanding the unique challenges in the heavy transport insurance sector, involving extensive client and market research

As we moved into the development phase, designers and developers worked in close collaboration, frequently integrating their efforts to ensure a seamless blend of creative solutions and technical feasibility. This synergy was pivotal in aligning the CRM's design continuously with the evolving needs of our clients, ensuring each feature was crafted with the end user in mind. The process culminated in a meticulously tested and refined product, ready for implementation, reflecting both our commitment to design excellence and our deep understanding of the business landscape in which our Client operates.

Double Diamond Process
Double Diamond Implementation Process: The process that  we followed for this implementation
Understanding existing CRM
Existing CRM: Old CRM - screens showcasing lead management

Integrating Business and Design: Crafting a User-Centric Solution

As a leader, I had to ensure that our design solutions were not only technically sound but also aligned with Client's business strategy. This meant balancing user-centric design principles with the practicalities of insurance processing and documentation.

Our approach centered on aligning the CRM's functionalities with the specific needs of Aureus's clients in the heavy transport insurance sector. We achieved this by conducting thorough market research and user analysis, which informed the design process at every stage.

By actively involving stakeholders and incorporating their feedback, we ensured that the CRM not only met technical and aesthetic standards but also addressed practical business challenges.

CRM end-users
CRM end-users: Users involved in lead generation process

Overcoming Challenges: A Leader's Perspective

The project presented various challenges, from technical integrations with PZU to aligning product features with complex user needs. My role involved navigating these challenges, ensuring the project stayed on track and met our high standards.

One of the primary challenges was ensuring seamless integration with PZU's internal system, which was critical for the CRM's functionality. This required not only technical expertise but also effective communication and collaboration with external stakeholders.

We tackled this by establishing a dedicated team focused on integration, facilitating regular meetings with PZU representatives to ensure alignment and address any issues promptly.

Another significant challenge was balancing the innovative aspects of the CRM design with practical usability. It was essential that the CRM not only introduced cutting-edge features but was also intuitive and user-friendly.

To achieve this, we adopted an iterative design process, regularly testing the system with real users and refining it based on their feedback. This approach helped in fine-tuning the CRM to meet actual user needs and preferences.

Finally, keeping the project aligned with Client's strategic business objectives while adapting to evolving market conditions posed its challenges. This required a dynamic leadership approach, where strategic decisions were made based on real-time market insights and internal business analytics.

Critical decision making matrix
Critical Decision-Making Moments:: Capturing key discussions and resolutions.
CRM feature mapping
Feature mapping: CRM key functionalities
my role

Impact and Feedback: Validating the Design

Upon launch, the CRM system significantly improved Aureus’s operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. This section highlights the tangible impacts of the CRM, supported by user feedback and performance metrics.

Key performance indicators showed a significant increase in sales efficiency and customer satisfaction, aligning the CRM's impact with Client's business goals.

Regular stakeholder reviews further validated the CRM's strategic impact on the business and its alignment with industry needs. This phase was not only about validation but also provided insights for ongoing improvements, demonstrating the CRM's success in transforming the heavy transport insurance process.

Impact and feedback validation
Impact & Feedback: How we validated the design
Sales lead decision flow
Sales Lead: Sales lead decision flow
Insurance form
Insurance Form: Final design of the lead generation process
insurance form
Insurance form: Presentation of all the insurance steps
Insurance policy
insurance policy: This policy is automatically generated once all the steps in the insurance form are finalized.
Insurance policy certificate
Insurance certificate : The insurance policy certificate was generated automatically and included altogether.
my role

Reflecting on the Journey: Insights and Achievements

Reflecting on the journey of developing Client's CRM system offers a wealth of insights and highlights significant achievements. I spearheaded a project that not only challenged the conventional processes in heavy transport insurance but also set new standards for user-centric design in the industry.

The successful integration of complex system requirements with intuitive design elements stands as a testament to the power of collaborative and cross-functional teamwork. Overcoming hurdles, such as integrating with PZU's internal system, taught us valuable lessons in persistence and innovation under pressure.

The positive feedback and improved business metrics post-implementation underscored the impact of our user-focused approach and the importance of aligning product design with business strategy. This project journey, marked by continuous learning and adaptation, has not only elevated Aureus's market position but also set a foundation for future innovation and growth.

CRM dashboard
CRM dashboard: Visualizing the specific needs and pain points identified.
CRM dashboard
CRM Dashboard: Visualizing the specific needs and pain points identified.
CRM all policies list
CRM: All policies list
my role

Future Directions: Leading Continuous Improvement

As we look towards the future directions of, our focus remains steadfast on leading continuous improvement and innovation. The recent successful integration of the insurance feature for car dealers, in tandem with PZU, is just the beginning of a broader strategy to enhance and expand our CRM capabilities. Moving forward, we plan to build on this momentum by incorporating advanced data analytics for more tailored insurance solutions and predictive risk assessments, along with customer service tools to elevate user experience and operational efficiency.

In addition to refining our insurance features, we're also focusing on enhancing the CRM system for broader company use. This includes the implementation of detailed reporting tools for better insight-driven decision-making and time-tracking functionalities to optimize workflows.

These future enhancements are aimed at transforming our CRM into a more versatile tool that not only supports our core insurance business but also caters to the diverse operational needs of this Client.

Insurance feature for car dealers visualization
Insurance feature for car dealers: Visualization
Insurance feature for car dealers
Insurance feature for car dealers: Step 1 of 7
Insurance feature for car dealers
Insurance feature for car dealers: Step 6 of 7

Conclusion: A Fusion of Leadership and Design Innovation

This project stands as a testament to the power of combining strategic leadership with innovative product design. It highlights the unique impact of a multifaceted approach on creating solutions that transform industry practices.

In today's digital age, it's more important than ever for businesses to provide a seamless and engaging online experience for their customers, and the fast-food industry is no exception.

This is the reason why the next step was to conduct a competitor analysis to gain insights into the strengths and weaknesses of our client's competitors and identify areas where they can improve their own digital experience.

CRM visualization
Concluding Statements: Final design

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